Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why to start a startup in a Bad Economy...

posted for later thoughts...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

WOW Obama...

REPOST: The 50 Skills Every Geek Should Have

posted for reminder... will run down my skillz and compare later...

Friday, November 7, 2008

What ever tickles your fancy...

So I've decided that social media, web 2.0, etc is good for nothing else but tickling my personal fancy. For those of you who have your mind in the gutter... jump out. I'm not there this time. It's about 2:30am and I'm listening to the Umass Dynamics perform Breakfast at Tiffany's a cappella.

Now, I grew up in town where there where few options for extracurricular past the traditional. So, choir was my escape. I loved singing. I'm nowhere near good enough to sing or record anything, but that's not here nor there...

Just the pure, simple fact that I can find something this beautiful, this late at night to help me avoid going to bed with my wife who doesn't like my particular thoughts on politics (I'm only avoided discussing them with her for 2 1/2 years...), tickles my fancy to no end.

Just think, 4 years ago this was nearly impossible. Now, I'm not a very good test case for the rest of the world. When I came to college in 2002, I immersed myself in all things tech. I was there when Facebook was for college students ONLY. I remember before everyone had a MySpace account. When I was in college, we used AIM to communicate with each other. If you didn't change your message every 6-12 hours, your friends reported you missing to the cops. You think I'm joking.

And now with all this talk of this being the "Digital Election" and Obama having built his own group of constituents online, I'm asking myself, am i being left behind? Or am i still on the cutting edge. After all, I have a twitter account for just about everything. I use my cellphone more for texting than for talking. Hell, my wife calls the computer the "other woman" in our relationship.

Just when I'm about to say f-it-all, I look around me and realize, I am still ahead of the curve. I deal with people every day who still have Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo accounts. They are scared of changing their email because no one will be able to email them. HELLO! It's called email forwarding!! Just like when you move!!!

Ahh... enough is enough. exhaustion is setting in and the words and ideas are now murky... it's time for bed... or to create another blog...